Even the insects and ants should be treated with compassion and kindness. Those who have no means of livelihood, who are suffering from disease and who are afflicted with grief should be helped to the utmost extent. Friends should be served with affection and good deeds (beneficial acts) whereas other (foes, wicked people) should be kept at a distance. Hence all individuals should adopt righteousness in all their deeds. Happiness is based on dharma (righteousness, right moral conduct). No one should get otherwise engaged when the urges are patent. Natural urges should not be initiated prematurely by force. One should take food only when the previous meal gets fully digested and hunger is felt.

Bath is contra indicated for those suffering from facial paralysis, disease of the eyes, mouth and ears, diarrhoea, flatulence, sinusitis, indigestion and who have just taken food. Pouring warm water over the body bestows strength, but the same over the head, causes loss of strength of the hairs and eyes. It removes dirt, rellieves itching, exhaustion, sweat, stupor, thirst, and burning sensation. Bath improves appetite, sexual vigor, span of life, valour (enthusiasm) and strength. Massaging the body with soft, fragrant powder mitigates kapha, liquifies the fat, provides stability (compactness, strength) to the body parts and promotes health of skin. Those who indulge daily in heavy physical exercise, keeping awake at nights, walking long distance, excess sexual intercourse, too much of laughing, speaking and other similar strenuous activities would perishl, just as a lion, after vanquishing an elephant. Excess of exercise may cause thirst, emaciation, severe dyspnoea, cough, vomiting, haematemesis, exhaustion, tiredness, bleeding and fever. Individuals who are physically strong and who are accustomed to fatty food should exercise to half of their strength in cold season and in spring, while in other seasons should do it mildly. Lightness of the body, ability to do hard work, keen appetite, depletion of excess fat, and firm and distinct physique can be achived from Vyayamam (regular physical exercise). It mitigates Vata, strengthens the body, improves sleep, promotes growth and reduces the ill-effects of aging. Abhyanga (oil massage and bath) should be resorted to daily. People suffering from indigestion, vomiting, dyspnoea, cough, fever, facial paralysis, thirst, ulceration of the mouth, disease of the heart, eyes, head and ears, should not make use of tooth brush. The teeth and gums should be cleaned daily in morning and also after food, without hurting the gums. Healthy individual should get up from sleep before sunrise to maintain his health.